If a human, most commonly a young child, has nibbled on the Dieffenbachia, they may encounter symptoms such as a burning sensation on the lips, tongue, inside the mouth, or in the throat. Symptoms appear 7 to 18 days after infection. Dieffenbachia is one of the most popular houseplants because it lives for a long time. Your email address will not be published. In the home, plant diseases are very rarely a problem. Although not a cold hearted killer, it does cause some very unpleasant side effects and a hefty amount of pain to go with it. This cultivar has some of the smallest leaves found on a Dieffenbachia, of around seven inches long. Dieffenbachia is a great houseplant, but it does require specialized winter care. Medium to Bright Light Light shade is acceptable but nothing darker. Too much fertilizer can cause marginal leaf burn. Dieffenbachia are at particular risk from a bacteria called Erwinia. No lower than 10°C / 50°F (and even then this should be infrequently reached). DUMB CANE PROPAGATION THROUGH STEM CUTTING. The Dieffenbachia grows from March to October, so you can expect the plant to require more frequent watering during this time. A good potting medium for rooting dieffenbachia stem cuttings is half sand, half peat moss mixed thoroughly. Although the Dieffenbachia plant prefers humid conditions, it usually does just fine in average humidity found in homes. He is the main content writer for the Ourhouseplants Team. Repeat with all the other pieces of stem you wish to root. The leaves are smaller than some of the other varieties, growing to around 12 inches in length. Once the cutting has several new shoots of its own, you can pot it into a more permanent home and continue care as usual. This is one of the great features of the Dieffenbachia because if you ever need to, you can completely cut it back to just a short stem and it will regrow to a lush plant in a relatively short space of time. Growing up to six feet tall, this is a large-growing variant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sit your Dieffenbachia plant on a tray that is covered in rocks or pebbles, and then, cover the pebbles with water. Keep the cuttings moist, but not wet, and place the planter in a warm, dim spot. The foliage is mostly a golden yellow color, with a contrasting bright green edging. Diseased dieffenbachia plants were collected during 2007 to 2009, from four commercial greenhouses in the green belt of Buenos Aires city. Dieffenbachia plants are easy to propagate with cuttings, so from a healthy mother plant, you could have an endless supply of new Dieffenbachias. Dieffenbachia. All of these things (including great care + age) will result in a Dumb Cane you just want to throw out, but before you do, give regeneration a go. Phytophthora nicotianae and Phytophthora palmivora causing stem and root rot of Dieffenbachia picta was reported for the first time by Palmucci et al., (2011) Red Spider Mites normally only arrive when humidity is low, therefore try to increase it to deter them. The leaves edges are dark green, giving a very contrasting outline to the foliage. Too much or too little water plus insects and mites are the main problems. D. bowmannii has humongous leaves (2ft across). Associated with too-high temperature and humidity; also with poor air circulation. It will kill your children, it will commit murder most foul and its even been known to burn down houses! Causal agent: Myrothecium roridum … Dieffenbachia, otherwise known as dumb cane, comes in a lot of varieties, all of which make great houseplants. The Dieffenbachia would ideally like to be in bright light that is filtered through sheer fabric, or another type of window covering that will allow light to pass through it. These issues usually resolve within a few days, but can sometimes last several weeks. Constantly moist conditions should be avoided. Given the plant’s adaptability to a variety of lighting conditions, it makes for a good easy-care houseplant in most homes and offices. Another of the larger varieties, this plant has large broad leaves. Dumb Canes almost always look best as smallish compact bushy leaved plants, so by repotting you allow it room to grow taller and risk loosing the attractive nature of a smaller plant. Study the dieffenbachia's leaves to find yellowing leaf margins. The plant suffers if the temperatures get to low, it would prefer to share your living areas rather than hidden away in a rarely used unheated guest room. The temperature got too cold, you subjected the plant to draughts, you didn't water correctly or provide enough light to sustain it. ... Like with many other plants, dieffenbachias are also prone to root rot if they’re overwatered, so always check if your dumb can plant really needs watering. If the light levels are too bright however the leaves will scorch, too dark and you will be left with a leggy and sickly looking plant. You should remove the effected stems, if the damage is severe you will have to discard the plant entirely (you can't reverse rotting once started). This appropriately named variety of Dieffenbachia grows to be quite large, with big broad leaves. Stem rot caused by Erwinia spp. Avoid coming into contact with the sap and if you do, wash it off before you accidentally rub your eye or somewhere equally unfortunate. Dumb Cane plants are among the most popular houseplants for its beautiful variegations, full foliage and thick stems. If you’re seeing crispness on the edges of the leaves, that’s an indication that your plant’s conditions are too dry. The old wisp of air when a door opens or closes is perfectly fine, but intense and constant draughts will result in yellowing leaves and leaf drop. Wear protective gloves and eyewear, as the sap could easily find its way onto you and cause pain and discomfort. if it's 5cm long, push it in 2.5cm), water well and then keep warm. Many varieties of Dieffenbachia can grow to ceiling-height quite rapidly, so if you would prefer to keep your plant compact, then you will need to keep it in a restrictive pot. Root rot is the result of overwatering, so your best line of defense is prevention. You don’t want the soil to be wet, because it can cause root rot. You can also grow new dieffenbachia from stem segments that contain 3-4 growth rings. Rotted areas are usually watery and mushy and have a rotten fishy odor in many cases. Because of this, the plant does especially well when kept in kitchens and bathrooms that tend to be quite humid. This is an especially bushy-looking variety, with a habit to grow very densely so that the stem is no longer visible. You must also avoid cold draughts. Constant draughts will result in yellowing leaves and leaf drop. This is actually wrong, light shade is acceptable but nothing darker. It is easy to grow as an indoor plant or outdoors if you live in a warmer part of the country. However it's not normal if multiple leaves are effected at once, this instead would be a sign that the temperature is too low, or the plant is in a draughty area. This plant gets its common name of ‘dumb cane’ from its ability to leave a victim speechless or struck dumb. Side effects of getting the sap on your skin will likely include an itching or burning sensation, and redness. This cultivar has dark green leaves that feature flecks of pale green. Christmas Tree Economics: Are Baby Boomers Killing the Christmas Tree Industry? It is one of the larger varieties of Dieffenbachia, working well as a floor plant. Pay close attention to the condition of your plant’s soil before watering. Be extra careful not to overwater when temperatures are cold. Dieffenbachias are also a good choice to brighten up dull commercial spaces as they can survive entirely on artificial light. Dieffenbachia is the common name for plants of this genus. Make a small hole in the soil with a fingertip or pencil, and place the stem cutting into the hole with the cut side facing down to the bottom of the pot. So let us help you to grow your knowledge and become a houseplant expert. A few degrees outside of this on occasion should not cause a problem, but frequent cold drafts will result in stunted growth and damage to the foliage. Remember to water well then wait until the soil dries out some what before watering again. All parts of the plant have lots and lots of microscopic needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals and when some unfortunate animal (or person) chows down, they end up with a painful and swollen mouth. Although Dieffenbachias prefer bright light, they will do just fine in moderate light or even partially shaded environments. The Dieffenbachia grows from March to October, so you can expect the plant to require more frequent watering during this time. This cultivar is another compact plant, growing up to three feet tall. Many books and websites recommend high humidity. The foliage is pale yellow with vibrant green edges. Note: This plant is toxic and creates sap that is irritating, so take care around children and pets. This is one houseplant which probably wont mind a routine watering regime. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. If the top layer of soil has dried out, then you can give the plant another generous watering and repeat the cycle. Like all houseplant, the Dieffenbachia is susceptible to root rot. Below are the steps involved in stem … You've most likely been overwatering and this combined with low temperatures is often too much for the plant to cope with. When reproducing plants with cane … Also known as the spotted dumb cane, this variety has tropical looking green leaves with vibrant white spots on them. In severe cases, the entire plant collapses. If left unpruned, the plant will resemble a palm tree. The foliage base color is green, with deep green margins between the white colored veining. Just wick the water away with a tissue to prevent this burn. They like a really good watering then to be left alone to dry out for a bit. appears very much the same as Fusarium stem rot and Phytophthora stem rot. Dieffenbachia or (to use its common name) Dumb Cane has a bad reputation as a houseplant. Also make sure the soil doesn't drain the water away too well, because then you'll have to water your Dieffenbachia more than once per day. Fill a wide planting pot with an equal amount of peat and sand. Consider wearing gloves or make sure you wash your hands as soon as you've finished. Keep an eye on the Dieffenbachia and take note if your plant starts to react badly in a low humidity environment, as you may need to address the issue. Humidity will also be increased by grouping plants together. Fortunately, as the sap gives a burning sensation as soon as it touches the mouth or lips, it’s very rare that anyone continues munching on it and ingests a large amount. Confusingly brown edges can also indicate underwatering. Grown outside, the plant can reach heights of six feet, but this can be limited with pruning when kept as a houseplant (University of Florida- Institute of Food and Agricultural Services). If you notice that your plant’s lower leaves are yellowing or dropping, that’s a sign of overwatering, which will rot the stem and kill your plant. So even though it makes a beautiful tropical look to your house just like the Prayer Plant, Dracaena Corn Plant, Peace Lily, etc. Generally speaking, the plant will need much less water during the winter months (Missouri Botanical Gardens). Pruning a Dieffenbachia isn’t essential, though you may wish to tactically prune it to encourage a shape you like. Over the last 20 years Tom has successfully owned hundreds of houseplants and is always happy to share knowledge and lend his horticulture skills to those in need. Since this is a member of the aroid family, it’s a plant that prefers to grow with a lot of water and humidity. Find the balance that works for your plant and stick with it. Leaf burn around the edges, along with stunted new leaves, can indicate over-fertilization. As well as keeping your plant happy, providing high humidity is also an easy way to deter some pests. The foliage of this variant is fairly small for a Dieffenbachia, with lengths of around 10 to 12 inches. From the beginner to the more experienced, there's something for everyone. This disease may also increase in severity during winter months when production facilities limit external air exchange, again raising the humidity. We've covered this for you already at the beginning of the article. Feed in the growing season at half strength every month or so. But … To maintain a healthy plant you should be giving indirect bright light. To propagate in water, you simply need to place the cutting in a glass or jar of water. Leaves are going yellow and then dropping off. Half of the cutting should be buried in the soil, and half should be sticking out. Learn more. It’s a perennial plant and most cultivars have white speckles on the leaves, though not all cultivars have this feature. Excessively high temperatures should also be avoided, as this will lead to a weak plant. Email The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. This variety received its name from the small cream and white spots on the leaves that resemble falling snow. This method will increase your chances of a healthy and thriving plant. Propagating in water is quite fascinating because you can visually keep track of every stage of the new roots growing, which is something you don’t get to witness when propagating in a rooting medium. The top inch of the soil should be dry, while everything below that will still be moist. The bright and bold colors of this plant make it perfect for bringing fun and vibrancy to a dull corner of a room. This is a houseplant that can live and thrive easily, but it’s known for some toxicity to human and pets. Similar to the Compacta, the plant is full and dense, giving a very lush look. Remove all bad or damaged leaves; Place plant in a well-ventilated area The leaves are a pale greenish yellow with dark green edges and flecks. A normal sign of aging. Mealybugs and aphids suck plant juices and heavy infestations will coat the leaves of dieffenbachia with sticky honeydew. You can dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone to encourage root growth, though, generally, Dieffenbachia plants will successfully root without this step. Like Pothos, the Dumb Cane is a real crier. You'll know which by looking back on how you've been caring for the plant. The name “dumb cane” comes from the fact that the plant’s leaves contain raphides, which can poison you and leave you unable to speak for a period of time. If you want to see the markings on some of these plants we have put some in our photo gallery. The leaves are very pale green with random specks of dark green and white splashed across them. If you give your plant more space to grow its roots, then it will also begin to require more space outside of the pot. This plant does well in a variety of lighting situations, from light shade to bright indirect light. It may be down to the cultivars we grow personally (D. picta "Camilla", D. picta "Exotica" and D. amoena "Tropic Snow") but in our experience the plant rarely suffers if humidity is low. It is a very forgiving plant, and even if you over prune it, you will find in a very short time that it is once again full and bushy. Place the jar in a warm spot with bright indirect light, and wait for roots to grow. If there is any brown in the cross-section of the stem that you just cut you will need to keep cutting out the stem until you don't see the brown anymore. Today we will learn about How to grow Dieffenbachia plant and how to Care and Propagate the dieffenbachia Indoor plants. Be sure to keep the stem cutting the correct way up, as if it is potted upside down it won’t root. This is know scientifically as guttation and is typically harmless, however this "water" also contains various salts from the plant which if left to dry can cause leaf burn resulting in brown tips. 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