Consuming large doses of colloidal silver in particular can result in a coma, a buildup of fluid in the cavity around the lungs, and cause red blood cells to break apart (hemolysis). Toothpaste can help remove stains from teeth, but it may also help remove hair dye stains from your skin. These articles are written by and copyright (c)1996-2019 Garth Haslam, all rights reserved. It seemed clear that the original carriers for what was finally proven to be a recessive genetic defect that caused methemoglobinemia had settled in the area in 1820. About; Share; Banner recipe; Find similar; Save to project; Comments; Title. Avicenna also made note that one of his patients who had been eating silver had developed a bluish discoloration of the eyes, which also makes this the earliest documented association of silver and bodily discoloration. Years later, Scott and Hoskins’ article was to help solve a medical mystery in the United States. Anomalies on Facebook! If a person inherits this gene from one of their parents, there will be no effect at all; but if they inherit this recessive from both their mother and their father, then the enzymatic systems in their bodies that are meant to reduce the number of methemoglobin cells in their blood are less effective. Weaker mucous membranes could lead to a higher absorption of silver. But I must take one star off for "Navy Blue" since it is rather noticeably purple even though I've mixed in some Rit black dye. Normally the chances of two parents carrying this gene is so remote that there is practically no possibility of the condition occurring; but in at least two cases, people in isolated communities with small breeding pools have nurtured this recessive gene into a common occurrence among their populations. The first, and earliest, reference is in “Ripley’s New Believe It or Not!” [1950 Simon & Schuster], a collection of unusual facts gathered by the staff of the Believe It or Not cartoons and published shortly after Robert Ripley’s [1890-1949] death. Nutrition and oxygen are passed as molecules from the mother’s blood to the baby’s blood through the filter of the placenta, which prevents blood cells themselves from crossing. Whatever your preference, there are a number of different recipes for making skin dyes. The dye is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and 95% of the ingested dye can be found in the feces. 0. At the time of publication nitrate of silver was a popular antibacterial and germicidal agent often administered orally for a variety of ailments... and many doctors had begun to notice the unfortunate discoloration of the skin appearing among some of their patients. Uploaded by: Model; Login to favorite; 0. Source(s): Thompson” to a short article about blue-skinned people on the Straight Dope website, insisting that they had read the above facts about the Tuareg somewhere... but they don’t mention where. Throughout history, there have been stories of people with blue skin.         Some manufacturers created a less harmful version of the silver germicidal agents. If you use Anomalies or any of its sub-databases for research, please be sure to list Anomalies and its URL -- -- in your references. Given that the name for a single member of the Tuareg is a Targui, which has a great resemblance to the name Ripley’s associated with this myth — Garui — it seems possible that the Ripley’s folks made up the myth based on what they had already heard about the Tuareg, but set their fictitious people into the distant past so no one could directly confirm or deny their story. In the years immediately after, Jacobs became the single most influential voice in the fight to have silver banned from all forms of medication. Cyanosis is the bluish or purplish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes due to the tissues near the skin surface having low oxygen saturation.         This powder color was in no way permanent, and could be easily washed off with water; but due to the scarcity of water, and the dry weather of the desert preventing sweat buildup (and therefore preventing body odor), the Tuareg were in the habit of not washing often. Purchase blue hair dye that is specifically designed for dark hair. A nun in a convent Jacobs was visiting told her to stop using her nose drops, because they knew of another nun who was using the same drops... and also had gray skin. Check the package for phrases like "midnight blue," "designed for dark hair" or "lightens dark hair" when you choose your dye. Blue Dye, Blue Skin—Nanthini Pillay et al 67 as a synthetic food colouring by the general population causes sensitisation, which can lead to allergic reactions during its use in SLNB without obvious history of previous exposure.         No modern town called Saba exists in Yemen, but one did thousands of years ago; now more commonly called Sheba, this kingdom was an oasis culture due to a massive dam that created fertile lands. He feels his overall good health — other than his skin color — is entirely due to his use of colloidal silver. Angela H. 1 decade ago. It simply means the body is missing some of the agents in the blood that help it to clot when vessels are broken, so sufferers bleed longer before clotting takes place. Their names were Martin Fugate, who was an orphan from France, and his wife Elizabeth Smith.         A further myth that needs to be dispelled is the idea that blood can actually be colored blue to start with... it can’t. Both groups argue that silver as a medicine is being covered up as part of a governmental and medical conspiracy to hide cheap and effective medicines that would undercut sales of the medical industry worldwide, and they further claim that evidence of a connection between silver and argyria is also falsified. Other Sites Built & Maintained by Garth Haslam. Allergy to textile dyes can cause skin manifestations such as severe eczema /dermatitis when unbound dyes from coloured clothing bleed onto skin. This is because of how a developing fetus interacts with its mother’s blood supply. In fact, the legends also claim that these people are so impregnated with this dye that their babies are born with blue skin, due to the dye being transferred from the mother to the child.         Rosemary Jacobs was prescribed this poison in nose-drops in the 1950’s when it was sold as a cure for allergies; about three years later her skin turned slate gray.         However, the hemophilia explanation for the phrase “Blue Blood” has a major flaw: hemophilia doesn’t turn blood blue, nor give a bluish tinge to the skin. First, of course, they are carrying the de-oxygenated blood, colored the darker maroon, back to the heart to be cycled through the lungs. This hole allows de-oxygenated blood to bypass the usual trip through the newborn’s lungs, instead entering the arterial system directly... and since these de-oxygenated cells are maroon, the child’s skin takes on a blue hue as more and more de-oxygenated blood continues to be circulated. cornstarch and 1/2 tsp. Picture url. But silver — colloidal or otherwise — is not an antibiotic; it is an antiseptic. It is also completely vegan friendly and PPD free, so you can use it safe in the knowledge that nothing bad is going in to your hair.         Another cause of blue skin hues can be a lack of oxygen in the blood, tinting the blood so that the flesh it circulates in has a blue hue.         Secondly, I’ve only run into the myth twice... but those two sources were fifty-seven years apart, and attributed the story to two different populations. Cawein prescribed all the people with blue skin daily pills of methylene blue to supply the necessary ions for their bodies to convert the methemoglobin to normal red blood cells. All that matters is that silver is consumed long enough. In fact, argyria requires regular doses of silver to occur; single, large, un-repeated doses separated by years can’t cause it, but daily small doses can bring the condition on in as little as ten months... though three years seems to be more the average time frame it takes for the discoloration to clearly appear. After his autopsy, Walters was declared to be the most singular case of silver poisoning to have ever been documented. If you’ve one of these allergic symptoms, then reach the doctor for diagnosis.         With the help of these siblings, the doctor was able to contact and talk to many members of the reclusive families that lived in the creek areas, and was able to draw up a brief genealogical history. Colloidal silver is a suspension of microscopic silver particles in a fluid (usually water). Zombies: History, Beliefs, and Modern Ideas, Also Available:Spontaneous Human CombustionThe Green Children of WoolpitBlue Skin, Terms & Conventions used in Anomalies Articles. PLEASE NOTE: All articles in the Anomalies database and it's sub-databases (Mysteries, Curiosities, and Legends) are written by Garth Haslam, and should not be copied in any format without his express permission. Refine the search results by specifying the number of letters.         It is an illustration of how the connection between silver and argyria was basically unknown outside of a small scientific community that, in 1922, an article printed in the Illustrated World magazine explained Walters’ blue skin tone as caused by an accident with a horse that left Walters’ heart with a hole that allowed de-oxygenated blood to mix with the oxygenated blood as it flowed through his body, giving his skin a blue tinge. Tuareg women sometimes used indigo as a makeup for lips, or on their hands, but they far more often used (and still use) ochre to paint their faces yellow. Each of these conditions are caused by different problems, but are both called “Blue Baby Syndrome.”. How To Dye Your Skin. lotion in a jar or container. Based on Lundsgaard and Van Slyke's work, it is classically described as occurring if 5.0 g/dL of deoxyhemoglobin or greater is present. Argyria is a rare skin condition that can happen if silver builds up in your body over a long time. The gene seems to have developed in the queen as a fluke mutation. embed: preview. If you wish to give your beard a new blue-black look, this is your go-to dye. In that year a book by William J. Hamilton — “Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia: with some account of their antiquities and geology” — documented his discovery of what he believed to be the long forgotten ancient Greek silver mining town called Argyria. The color transition was slow enough that he didn’t notice it immediately himself; it was finally made clear to him when a friend who hadn’t seen him for a few months asked what he had done to his skin. We use historic puzzles to find the best matches for your question. With our crossword solver search engine you have access to over 7 million clues. When you do this, try to massage your hair from roots to ends in that direction. It has been stated that argyria results from the use of impure water, or that the colloidal silver wasn’t brewed right to start with. The top solutions is determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. If the hole in the heart can be closed, or if a new route to the lungs can be created, the child will have a fighting chance at survival; and, as the blood is forced to circulate through the lungs again, the blood cells will quickly become oxygenated and the child will gain a normal skin color. Nice venders of silver products stated that Jacobs was simply confused about how the connection between silver and argyria works; the not-so-nice ones flat out accused her of being funded by the government, the medical industry, and drug cartels to spread lies about the colloidal silver products they were selling. L’Oréal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color, 2BL Black Sapphire. This will look fantastic on pale skin with blue eyes (like the Disney queen).         Consuming small amounts of silver on a regular basis will slowly deposit silver granules in the tissues of the body, and some people will do this faster than others... and when there is enough deposited, the color caused by the deposits will slowly become more and more evident.         Cawein was able to change that situation however; having determined that he was probably dealing with the same condition that Scott and Hoskins had seen in the Alaskan Eskimos and Indians, he determined to try a standard cure for methemoglobinemia on the Ritchie siblings. This allows a larger number of these cells to continue to exist on average, enough to tint the person’s skin blue... but not enough to pose any serious threat to the person’s health otherwise. Babies born with this defect only rarely live more than three days without surgical intervention, since more and more of their blood becomes de-oxygenated. As you’ll recall, the molecules of indigo are too big to even penetrate skin very deeply... and so are too large to be passed through the placenta to the baby.1. But the amount of silver needed to cause argyria is unpredictably different for each person, and the condition is absolutely unavoidable as long as silver is ingested, no matter how it is prepared. The individuals were treated with either methylene blue or ascorbic acid, both of which helped temporarily to re-oxygenate their blood and make the blue tinge to their skin vanish. Pastel pink, purple or blue. He died on August 20, 1923, of heart failure, leaving behind his wife and non-blue skinned six-year old daughter.         Silver poisoning is rare; an extreme case can result in many health problems, but a minor indulgence of silver is all that’s needed to bring on the most immediate and noticeable effect. The most common cyanotic heart defect — representing from 55% to 70% of them — is called “Tetralogy of Fallot,” named for Étienne-Louis Arthur Fallot [1850-1911], who described the condition in 1888. Claims have also been made that only large silver particles cause argyria, and that silver prepared as small particles won’t; but the smaller particle size likely makes the silver easier for the gastrointestinal system to absorb. Harrold simply pulled the evidence into one place, making the connection obvious. Books published between 1890 and 1930 documented that one group among the Tuareg, usually identified as the “Northern Tuareg,” have used an indigo powder to color clothing, instead of the more common fluid variety of the dye.         Arteries run deep within the body to carry the oxygenated (and redder) blood throughout, while the veins cycle the de-oxygenated blood (more maroon) back to the heart near the surface of the body; this makes the veins more visible. Traditionally, Tuareg men wear veils at all times; this may have started as a simple and practical protection against blowing desert sands. When digested, about ten percent of the silver a person consumes is carried through the bloodstream and deposited as silver granules in the layers of the skin.         But there is yet one more way for humans to have blue skin; and this last group is not so lucky as to have any miracle cure for their condition. As the year 2000 approached, colloidal silver was advertised with more and more false claims for its abilities: for example, it was claimed to be effective against 650 different diseases including cancer, acne, leprosy, AIDS, arthritis, and anthrax — in short, anything that could sell the product — and it was often claimed colloidal silver had no side effects. Luckily, when her face turned blue the doctors knew what was happening, and immediately treated the condition. He has not sought medical attention for his skin color. Blood cells altered in this way still fully circulate through the body but don’t pick up oxygen when circulated through the lungs, so they always have a maroon color which tints the skin blue. Best Hair Color for Fair Skin and Blue Eyes. But not everyone with methemoglobinemia has acquired it from their environment; in fact, there are two known groups of humans that were being born blue and living with the condition.2. The granules formed by the silver tend to accumulate around the eccrine glands, which are the sweat glands that empty directly to the surface of the skin, below the epidermis (outer layer of skin) where melanin resides and determines normal human skin tone. All a larger dose will do in most cases is speed up the inevitable change... and the true believers in colloidal silver who insist that consuming it in small enough amounts avoids becoming argyric are just gambling with how much time and silver is needed to prove them wrong. The discoloration was limited to the woman’s face and neck; and it was noted that the lozenges she was using — brand name Respaton — was not widely used, and she had taken an unusually high dosage of the medication because she was a heavy smoker. Another fantastic thing about this hair dye is that it's long-lasting. These are the things that keep me up at night... but you’ll probably sleep just fine. Healthy people have enzyme systems that remove these altered cells from the bloodstream, so the overall number of them never becomes dangerous.         So, once again, nothing in the preparation or amount of the silver really matters as much as the fact that silver is being consumed. The most likely answer for the clue is HENNA. It has long been noted — as early as 1817 — that the discoloration of argyria seems to begin in and stay strongest in areas of the body that are exposed to the sun... the head, back of the neck, and arms are typically darker in tone than the remainder of the body, and many people who stop consuming silver when the argyria starts have these portions of their body discolored, but normal skin tone on the rest of their bodies. This is an oxidative demi-permanent formula that produces stable colorations that will last for weeks to come. Source(s): temporaly dye skin blue: In order for any dye to reach a developing child, it would have to enter the mother’s bloodstream to be transported to her womb. In this book is a brief mention (just a few paragraphs) of the “Blue Arabs,” said to be the Garui tribe living in Saba, in the Arabian kingdom of Yemen. Because the gene for methemoglobinemia is a regressive trait, even if both parents carry it only about half of their children would be expected to display blue skin; but all of their children are carriers for the trait. Articles for Patrons Only, and other Exclusive Content. A single use of the four-ounce Joico semi-permanent hair color in sapphire blue can give you a fantastic color. After interviewing a number of people in the area and determining that, yes, these blue skinned people did indeed exist, he made many attempts to find them in the hills and at their homes.         And all of this points up the final defense of the current sellers of colloidal silver; if all else fails, blame the victim. This was because vendors advertised colloidal silver as a “universal antibiotic,” and the fact a person could make it themselves meant it would always be available. The two men had studied fifteen cases of children born blue in nine Eskimo and Indian families in Alaska. In 2003, when Brilliant Blue was used as a dye in feeding tubes, the FDA issued a public health advisory because of side effects like blue-tinged skin, urine, and feces, as … Luckily, at low dosages the body appears to pass more than enough silver intake to prevent health problems past the change in colors; but eating a single large dose of silver — as in multiple grams — is likely to kill you. This silvery take on blue hair is as fluffy as a spring day cloud. © 2020 Copyright: Despite this, these mild silver protein products were used as antibacterial eye drops in many places well into the 1990’s, when evidence of them being both ineffective and causing a bluish gray film to develop in the conjunctiva of the eye (the skin under the eyelid) led to an end in their use. Many known conditions can cause this effect, and they are collectively known as “cyanotic heart defects”. Modernly, I have no direct evidence that any Tuareg men are having problems with the dye in their clothing or that any are purposely coloring themselves... instead, there are a dozen books that state that such things have happened, relying, no doubt, on what has been written previously. Blood has a limited range of color from a bright red to a dark maroon, mostly depending on the levels of oxygen being carried by the hemoglobin in the red blood cells.         So the saddest part of this whole situation is that the fact that eating silver will permanently change your skin color has been a sort of open secret for at least 170 years, known to many individual scientists and doctors, but never clearly stated to the public or scientific community at large... and that this situation is being used by unscrupulous or misguided people to sell a product that poses a health threat to those that use it. 0. duck floaty. It was famed for the export of many things, including blue cloth which might indicate that indigo dyes were produced there. Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of Brilliant Blue FCF (E 133) as a food additive. It is not a social group limited to a particular area of the world; rather, anyone worldwide can join this group. This is just as unhealthy as it sounds... but first, a small digression from topic. Walters’ regular oral dosage of the metal led to his skin turning blue, and in 1891 he moved to America to earn money by touring with Buffalo Bill’s traveling show and displaying his unusual appearance. Few more allergic symptoms caused due to blue dye are as follows. Methemoglobinemia can also be caused by exposure to certain drugs and chemicals such as the anesthetics benzocaine and xylocaine. This altered blood cell is called methemoglobin and the condition of having them in your body is called Methemoglobinemia. Once the dye has been applied, gently comb it through to ensure even application and massage it for good measure. Three years later her skin was slate-gray. Depending on the type of hemophilia, the victim’s blood may clot so slowly as to be equivalent to not clotting at all. Sparks Long-Lasting Bright Hair Color is a permanent dye … dye_powder_blue. Still, it should be noted that a variant of indigo known as “indigo carmine” is used as a medicinal dye to make blood vessels and other internal body structures easier to see, and is applied by doctors by directly injecting it into the body. Manic Panic semi-permanent blue hair dye is formed from high quality ingredients and as a result is certain to give you high quality hair color!         So only one group of the Tuareg had blue skin; and it was only the wealthier men, and only part of their bodies, and in no way permanent. The color, also, seems to be different for each person; and whether they are slate gray, shiny silver, blue, or purple may also depend on chemical differences within the victim’s body.         I have run across this legend twice, in reference to two different groups. Be warned – if you have darker hair and darker skin, this will be a very tricky look to pull off. Load more.         The Tuareg are a Muslim nomadic group that inhabits the Sahara Desert of Africa. However, there are many drugs and chemicals that can accelerate the oxidation of red blood cells far beyond what a normal body can clean up.         To be born blue requires a flaw that allows de-oxygenated blood to mix with oxygenated blood. Even after his skin turned blue he continued to drink the colloidal silver, but in smaller amounts; this was because he believed it was safe to drink, and he believed it helped him with his arthritis and acid reflux disorder. Not enough was known about the history of the other families to know if the methemoglobinemia had started from a single source.         Paul Karason started to use colloidal silver in 1993 to self-medicate his dermatitis, which causes red, swollen, and itchy skin. And copyright ( c ) 1996-2019 Garth Haslam, September 1996-2019 ; he can be lethal Appalachia! For abnormalities for genotoxicity fall into one place, making the connection obvious grape colour... 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