10 tips that you can follow to get quality time love language ideas: Here are some words of affirmation love language that can work for you and your partner to achieve the goal! People who “speak” this love language simply enjoy human contact, whether it’s with a hug after a long day or just sitting near someone. This might sound like the words of affirmation love language but it is not. Hug them hello and goodbye. Listen, with everything we have on our plates as moms, working women, and wives it can be really easy to neglect this love language. Your love language is the way you like to show and receive love. If you or your spouse’s love language is quality time, you can use this to find ways to love each other better. Maintaining eye contact while talking. Click here to download a printable version of this list, Find video games you can enjoy playing together or competing in, Dress up and eat dinner by candlelight at home or a restaurant, Sit outside by the fire and enjoy s’mores or a fireside meal, Read a book together and maybe start a book club for the two of you, Turn on upbeat music and have a dance party, Turn on your favorite love songs and dance with each other, Plan a themed date night at home or out on the town, Look at old pictures and videos together and talk about the memories, Watch fun YouTube videos or TikToks and subscribe to your favorites so you can watch new ones when they’re posted, Walk around a scenic area like a pond, lake, nature trail, or the mountains, Take a class together in the community or online, Go skiing, snowboarding, or sledding when it’s cold outside, Go for a long drive and talk while you’re out, Explore where you live or visit and explore a new city, Try a new recipe together or order from a meal prep company, Go to an escape room or research and do one at home, Paint pottery you can display in your home, Build something for your house from scratch, Fold laundry or do the dishes and talk together, Watch their favorite show or sport with them, Put your phone away when you’re with them, Try out new coffee or drink shops together, Plan a photoshoot, just for the two of you, Arrange for a day that the two of you can spend uninterrupted time together, Sit next to each other or be in the same room while you’re working on your own projects, even if you aren’t interacting with each other, Show interest in the things they are passionate about and excited to share with you, Spend the day together with your phones on airplane mode, Face away from any potential distractions for you when you’re out on a date (ie the dining room for people watching, the bar where the games are playing), Join your spouse in doing something they love and be an active and willing participant, Plan a vacation, date night or overnight getaway to go on together, Talk about the balance of your work/social/home lives and get on the same page, Meet each other for a lunch date in the middle of the week, Spend a weekend morning enjoying a leisurely brunch together, Participate in a family adventure that is their idea and you might not be thrilled about, Schedule a weekly “walk and talk” around the neighborhood after everyone’s in bed and the world is quiet, Ask your spouse something about themselves and listen intently to the stories they share, Reminisce on memories and moments from your marriage that were happy, funny, sad, or challenging, Go for a walk or a drive through the neighborhood where your spouse grew up and ask them to tell you about it, Sit on a bench by a pond and feed the ducks frozen peas while you talk, Join them in an activity that they would usually do alone, Spend time at the end of each day reviewing the day’s activities and events with each other, Have a foam dart or squirt gun war with each other, Ask them what they want to do at the beginning of the day and spend your entire day doing those things together. Quality Time Gift Ideas. My daughter is 20 months old and is currently leaning toward quality time as her love language. A Closer Look at the Words of Affirmation Love Language . By checking this box I consent to the use of my information provided for email marketing purposes. 3. Quality Time might be the easiest language to understand, but it can also be one of the easiest to misinterpret. QUALITY CONVERSATIONS. DON’T COMPLAIN. Or maybe you’ve organized a huge birthday bash for your kid only to observe that they would have preferred something else. Some people whose love language is quality time really appreciate quality conversation more than anything. Stop multi-tasking. 60 Ways to Speak Love to a Quality Time Love Language Spouse People who want to receive gifts as a sign of love are not materialistic. Now that you know different ways to show people you care about them, send your words of affirmation friend a sweet note or send your significant other flowers—just because. It'll surely melt their heart. It’s possible! Let’s run through them real quick. Or an entire weekend we’ve given responsibility of the kids to one of the grandparents so we can have an extended date.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'aprioritizedmarriage_com-box-3','ezslot_4',101,'0','0'])); If your spouse’s love language is quality time, they want to feel like they are the person you want to be around the most. Which tables are filled with people spending quality time together? They want to look you in the eyes and talk to you. If Quality TIme is your loved one's language, they want your full/phone down attention. If your children have the “Quality Time” love language, they want your uninterrupted time and attention. I am on a mission to inspire couples to make their marriage a priority every day, throughout every stage in life! Gift certificate for a favorite hobby (rock climbing) or tickets to a game. Quality Time Gift Ideas Table Topics. And when you are with them, they want to feel like you don’t care about anything but what they have to say. These little cards are such a fun way to get to know your partner way better than you already do! Talk about things you two like to do. You can hold each... 2. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amberly Lambertsen and A Prioritized Marriage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. That’s the quickest way to completely drain our love tank. So, maybe I’ll just go full steam ahead with quality time and nurture that in our relationship. When you have a chance to talk with them put away all distractions and try out some of these fun ideas: Have a date night over video chat. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. They want to experience something new with you. Look around the next time you are out to eat at a restaurant. If a close friend or family member’s love language is Physical Touch, here are some ideas to speak their love language. WORKOUT TOGETHER. One amazing way to discover inspiration for quality time with kids is through the series of books by Gary Chapman about the Five Love Languages.. Hi, I’m Laura and on my blog Lalymom, I share a series called Love Languages Ideas for the Family to help spread the word about the Love Languages and to help people apply them in real life. Instead, let us know... 2. This can mean anything from running and biking to partner yoga and dancing. I really love whenever my spouse and I have uninterrupted time that we can spend together. People whose love language is quality time want to spend undivided attention with those they love. There are 5 Love Languages and spoiler alert, Physical Touch isn’t the most popular. People whose love language is acts of service prefer that people show their love and appreciation with chores and other odd-jobs. If your spouse feels most loved through one-on-one time and quality conversation, our break down of Quality Time will be super helpful for you. This is when the two of you are talking together without any conflict. For quality time, a common dialect is quality conversation. Most of these ideas come from Dr. Gary Chapman himself, but are also backed up by my nine years of experience in what helps and doesn’t help in filling up the love tank of a quality time love language spouse. She does show signs of acts of service, which is my love language, but she seems to get distracted easily from tasks. The five love languages are different ways people receive and communicate their love to others. In... Use Active Listening Skills. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aprioritizedmarriage_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',103,'0','0'])); Words of affirmation is more about what we are saying to our spouse. We have included several ideas for not only your significant other, but for your kids and yourself as well! Give them a backscratch or a massage—before they ask for one There are five love languages: quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, and acts of services. Theorized by Dr. Gary Chapman, a love language is a way a person prefers to receive love and affection. The 60 ideas listed below will give you some great ideas of how you can speak to your partner’s quality time love language! A Prioritized Marriage contains affiliate links. September 15, 2020 by aprioritizedmarriage. This can be done by sending them flowers in the middle of the week or by buying them a certificate to the spa. If you haven’t yet discovered your love language, we’d like to invite you to take this free quiz. Yet in this crazy busy world, where rushing seems to be the order of the day, quality time might be one of the hardest love languages to pull off. Gift certificate to favorite restaurant. We can’t stand superficial talk. Set the chores aside and play or just hang out with your children instead. What Are the 5 Love Languages? One of the top five love languages for me is quality time. Related: 7 Truths When Using the Love Languages in Your Marriage, Related: Things to Avoid with Each of The 5 Love Languages. Now it’s time to have fun! Road trip plans. If your partner's love language is quality time and you can't seem to get date night right, try planning some of these date night ideas ASAP! Everyday physical touch love language ideas Everyday physical touches refers to those affectionate actions that you can sneak in on the back of something else. That’s where understanding their love language comes in handy. When it comes to Gary Chapman's five love languages, words of affirmation is the most common love language, edging out quality time and acts of service. Quality Time. Your relationship doesn’t reach perfection the moment you say ‘I do’. It goes beyond just doing chores or what you’re asked to do, but picking up extra work around the house or running errands they’ve been dreading to make their day easier. Click here to take the FREE QUIZ or get your copy today!The concepts of The 5 Love Languages® have been shared with permission. Of all the Love Languages we touched on so far, this one is my absolute FAVORITE. In this post, we’ll explain the Quality Time love language, take a look at some examples, and give you a list of ideas to help you create more quality time together! If your love language is quality time, then you’ll know that the best way for you to feel loved is to spend time with your husband.. Maintaining eye contact, putting your phone away, not looking off into the distance, and not letting your mind wander are all things you pay attention to if you want your time with someone to be truly quality. ... because it's just that — time. Like all good habits, it’s a great way to get started, because all you need to remember is the usual behavior that … Using our guide to love language ideas, you’ll never have this problem again. Picnic at the park. This could look like going on a walk, just the two of you, and focusing on what your partner is saying. Words of Affirmation Acts of Service Receiving Gifts Quality Time Physical Touch What’s your love language? 9 Date Ideas If Your Love Language Is Quality Time That Are Epically Romantic. Doing something nice for someone can be exciting, especially when you think you’ve figured out the perfect way to show someone you care. You should be sharing your experiences, thoughts, feelings and desires in a way that is enjoyable to both of you. According to Dr. Chapman, the 5 love languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, giving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. You aren’t as susceptible to distractions as others, and you find it easy to focus. Create a scavenger hunt around your house or neighborhood with post-its of things that you love about them. This means that I make a small commission off of purchases made through links at no extra cost to you. If you’ve read Gary Chapman’s book, you would know about the five love languages: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, and Acts of Service. They want thoughtful gifts that indicate their loved ones have been listening to them and thinking of them throughout the day. For example, you can show your significant other you care by scheduling a weekly date night, you can play catch in the yard with your kid, or you can treat yourself to a bubble bath! A person whose love language is quality time wants to spend focused time together as a couple in order to feel loved. November 20, 2018. 2. Tips on How to Speak This Love Language Make Eye Contact. Filed Under: Marriage Tagged With: love language examples, the five love languages. You may think quality time is all about spending A LOT o f time together, or going out and doing a lot of things together. Date Night Baskets. Copyright © 2021 A Prioritized Marriage on the Foodie Pro Theme, « 60 Ways to Speak Love Using Words of Affirmation. All distractions are set aside and you are showing your spouse that you are 100% attentive to them. Click here to download a printable version of this list, checklist-style. If you want a strong marriage, you have to continue to work on it. You’ll make their day and feel great doing it. 25 Date Ideas for Those With Quality Time Love Language 1. But he dropped the ball a bit when he implied that each of the five — acts of service, gifts, physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time — were totally equal. Taking a hands-on class together is also a great gift in more than one way. . For Significant Other. Today I am talking about spending quality time with kids. You’re an excellent listener and always give others your undivided attention. Go sledding and drink hot chocolate together afterward. Links are provided for your convenience. Yup, It’s time to spend some Quality Time with your main man. The checklist includes a few blank spots you can use to fill in your own preferences or examples of quality time if they are not already included in the list. He suggests that most people give or show love the way they wish to receive it instead of how their partner wishes to receive it. Give your children your full, undivided attention when they talk to you. The most important way to speak this dialect is starting deep conversations and keeping them going. By Rachel Shatto. Whether is 30 minutes we get to spend talking while the kids are playing at the end of the day. Understanding the … ACTS OF SERVICE Tell your spouse you’re going to take over one of … ProFlowers | Verily | Engaged Marriage | Focus On the Family | The Relationship Quote | FBR, 70 Love Words and Messages to Show You Care, Give them an hour of uninterrupted TV time, Let them choose the movie the family watches, Order takeout food so you don’t have to worry about cooking, Declutter your home and donate unused items to a charity, Start using a laundry service to pick up your dry-cleaning, Leave them a sticky note on the bathroom mirror saying “I love you”, Compliment a project they’ve recently finished, Send them a letter in the mail telling them you appreciate them, Share something nice they did on Facebook or Instagram, Give them a phone call just to say how much you love them, Write them a nice note and pack it with their lunch, Give them a bracelet that says “I love you” to wear, Hang their art on the fridge and tell them how much you love it, Tell them you appreciate them when they do their chores, Repeat self-love affirmations to yourself in the mirror, Save notes people have written to you and read them later, Call a friend and talk about what you love about one another, Give them a backscratch or a massage—before they ask for one, Put your arm around them or hold their hand while you’re out in public, Schedule cuddling or snuggling time as a date, Let them sit on your lap while you read to them, Style their hair for them or help them get dressed, Give them a surprise piggyback ride around the house, Schedule a manicure or pedicure for yourself, Spend five minutes stretching after you wake up, Get a haircut and enjoy the complimentary head-massage, Bring them their favorite flowers, just because, Buy them something they’ve been wanting for awhile, Make them a mix CD and explain why you chose each song for them, Sign them up for a class they’ve been wanting to take, Buy them a new outfit and lay it out on their bed, Let them pick out one new toy at the store, Surprise them with a present on an obscure holiday, Get them their favorite treat at the grocery store, Create a photo album of your favorite memories, Try out a new restaurant or cook together, Buy tickets for a movie or play they’ve been wanting to see, Play board games or video games with them, Take them on a lunch date without any other siblings, Bake cookies or something else sweet together, Take a road trip or overnight trip together. Though it is usually directed at romantic relationships, knowing someone’s love language can help you foster a loving relationship with other people in your life beyond your significant other, such as close friends, parents or kids. If you’re unsure as to whether you or your partner communicate love in terms of quality time, here are some telltale signs this is your native love language. Plan a hike nearby. Whether it's just for the night at a hotel in town for a change of scenery or jetting off to Paris for the weekend at... 2. Here are 5 ways to do just that: 1. Even I’m guilty that (and this is my primary love language *gasp*). The different languages are: Every person has a primary love language and a secondary that they wish for others to speak to them. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Each Conversation Starter box contains cards with questions that make for great conversation… How to Love Someone with Quality Time Love Language 1. To learn both your own love language as well as others, take Dr. Chapman’s quiz, then use your results to determine which ideas to refer to next time you want to show someone you care. Tell us your favorite stories of your childhood. If your spouse’s love language is quality time, they want you to show that they are important to you by spending time with them and using that time to focus on them and nothing else.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aprioritizedmarriage_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',102,'0','0'])); Related: The Secret to Success with The 5 Love Languages. It can be as simple as saying “I love you” or “I appreciate you” randomly throughout the day instead of just before bed or when you go to work, or a more grand gesture like leaving notes throughout your home for them. 5 Gift Ideas for Quality Time Love Language Board Games for Couples. It’s both thoughtful and fun! 7 Romantic Gift Ideas If Your Partner's Love Language Is Quality Time 1. . Just plan... Experiential Gifts. I have a degree in Family Studies and a passion for strong marriages. Quality time meaning in relation to the love languages is when you are giving someone your undivided attention. When it comes to quality time, eye contact is the gateway to loving your quality time partner. Trust me, just don’t. © Amberly Lambertsen and A Prioritized Marriage, 2020. Conversation Starters Box. Quality conversation is about what you are hearing and how you are interacting during those talks.   It also is the only love language … 1. Physical Touch Love Language Ideas. Whether it’s just having a conversation over coffee or watching their favorite movie with them, just spending time with that person will let them know that you care. But sometimes what you might think of as a great way to say “I love you” might be far different than what your significant other or friend had in mind. wundervisuals / Getty Images. And which tables are filled with individuals who happen to be eating at the same table? This is why so many partners complain that their significant other doesn’t show affection or love—they’re miscommunicating it! Quality Time Love Language Ideas. To a person whose primary love language is quality time, undivided attention means the world. 50 Love Language Date Night Ideas. People whose love language is quality time love to have your undivided attention once in a while! This means leaving your cell phone behind and devoting special time to your loved one. ©1992, 2015 Gary D. Chapman. Talk to them softly while making love, communicating what you love most about how they love you. Gary Chapman had a good thing going when he introduced us to “love languages,” or the way each of us best understands and prefers to receive love from others. It could also be sitting together at dinner, looking at each other and talking. 2. Quality Time. Quality time is needed in any relationship, but with a quality time type love language it is imperative. The physical touch love language isn’t just reserved for couples or significant others. Love languages often have dialects that are slightly different from the “pure” form. Many of these date night ideas will work for several of the love languages so have fun mixing and matching ideas for a fun year’s worth of weekly date nights! Book a Bed & Breakfast. Quality Time . The physical touch love language isn’t just reserved for couples or significant others. It is written in the first person so your spouse can read and mark things as “I appreciate it when you do these things for me”. No matter the time of year, take a trip to your local nature preserve and go on a hike. I am a hugger. People who “speak” this love language simply enjoy human contact, whether it’s with a hug after a long day or just sitting near someone. Click here to grab checklists for each of the other love languages. GO HIKING. If the person you love needs QUALITY TIME they need: Related: 15 Resources and Freebies to Reignite the Romance in your Marriage! But what matters most is the thought behind the gift! Reminisce... 3. People whose love language is words of affirmation want to hear they are appreciated and loved more than anything. I never really knew what my love language was until quite recently. . Date night baskets are such fun ideas and PERFECT for the quality time love language! After hours of researching and deep thought, I’ve developed the following list of 50 gifts that speak your partner’s love language. When you love someone who values Quality Time, then they want to both give and receive the most priceless and irreplaceable gift of all – time. Have you ever meticulously planned out a romantic evening for your significant other, only for it to fall flat? Learning someone’s love language goes a long way towards strengthening your bond with them. Those five “languages” are: Words Of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts Of Service, and Physical Touch. When you engage in quality conversation, you are asking questions with a genuine desire to understand your spouse’s thoughts, feelings, and hopes. Visit a bookstore to find the best love quotes or stories to read to each other. Keep the technologies away while being together. 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