Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored video. Recently many studies have been made to show that copper plays an important role in pigmentation. Vitiligo Causes & Risk Factors. Treating Vitiligo Naturally with Copper Utensils The key to treating the depigmentation of your skin by drinking water with copper ions in it is to allow the fresh water to absorb the ions overnight in the copper utensil. Researchers have been suggesting that vitiligo may be a result of autoimmunity, genetic, oxidative stress or neural causes. I bought copper supplements 3 mg just started taking it. Vitiligo tritt vermehrt auf, nachdem die Haut intensiv der Sonne ausgesetzt war, Sonnenbrand kann Pigmentverluste auslösen. 2 Epidemiologie. Copper (Cu) is a trace element that is required in minutely small doses. How does copper help to treat vitiligo? If people with vitiligo are deficient in copper, then its supplementation could help them slow down or pause the progression of the chronic skin disorder. This mineral also helps with elastin and collagen two proteins that help your skin in wound healing and staying healthy. Since many kinds of research around vitiligo’s relation to copper status are underway, it’s recommended to go for copper supplementation under the guidance of a licensed medical professional. It does play a crucial role in pigmentation (and prevention of aneurysms! I have been searching for cures for 7 years now. Die Weißfleckenkrankheit oder Vitiligo zerstört die Pigmentierung der Haut. Vitiligo gehört zu den Autoimmunerkrankungen. Zinc. But, it has been established that copper is another cofactor in melanin production, and many patients with vitiligo are found low in it. Low copper levels can indicate deficiencies in other minerals such as iron which can be the result of anemia. Chim. Unexpectedly getting my skin colour back after decades of hiding my white patches from the world was something I wanted to shout about. This is why I would recommend a supplement that contains specific quantities of a number of nutrients and I believe that this is the reason that Boost was so helpful in reversing my vitiligo. B. um die Augen herum. November 8, 2019, 4:27 am When was the last time you heard or read Desiderata? “Copper is also linked to many other types of infections because zinc is needed for the proper immune response. Nutritional deficiencies are known to alter melanin production. Vitiligo ist eine chronische, nicht ansteckende Hauterkrankung, die bei Kindern, Frauen und Männern auftreten kann. Blue Cooper 5 vitiligo ointment is marketed by Osmotics Cosmeceuticals. Copper would seem of prime importance because tyrosinase is a known copper-requiring enzyme.” Vitiligo and Other Hypomelanoses of Hair and Skin, by Jean-Paul Ortonne, M.D., Plenum Medical Book Company, NY. Daher lässt die normale Färbung der Haut nach, sodass auf den jeweiligen Hautarealen weiße Flecken entstehen, die oftmals scharf zur übrigen Haut abgegrenzt si… Since many kinds of research around vitiligo’s relation to copper status are underway, it’s recommended to go for copper supplementation under the guidance of a licensed medical professional. Taking more copper will aggravate this problem. Vitiligo ist eine durch fleckenartigen Pigmentverlust gekennzeichnete, häufige und kosmetisch bedeutsame Dermatose, deren Ursache die Zerstörung von Melanozyten in der Epidermis ist. For explanation of these facts we suggest that the … If people with vitiligo are deficient in copper, then its supplementation could help them slow down or pause the progression of the chronic skin disorder. The information provided on the website is “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights. Apparently the copper ions that are absorbed in the water are found to stimulate melanin, thus increasing your chances of getting rid of vitiligo patches on your skin , It’s a pity that we don’t, on the whole, appreciate the beauty of #whitepatches on human skin in the same way as […], For many years I relied on self-tanning products to camouflage my white patches… And on hair dyes to hide my grey hairs. Copper (Cu) is a trace element that is required in minutely small … However, most people (women especially) are copper toxic and some also have copper bio-unavailability, which means the body is unable to use the copper for some reason. Required fields are marked *. Heilen lässt sich die Vitiligo bisher nicht. Many people are under the impression that because low copper levels are implicated in vitiligo then this must mean they need to take more copper. Ultimately vitiligo is a loss of melanocyte function. The copper ions dissolved in the water are known to stimulate melanin, which helps in increasing the chances of getting the pigmentation back on the patches, thus assisting the body to naturally rectify the effects of vitiligo. Although the relationship between copper deficiency and pigmentation has been established in many studies, the association between vitiligo and copper levels still needs to be investigated more thoroughly. Hope this helps. Given that a key ingredient in Boost (one of the supplements that has helped me to re-pigment most of my vitiigo patches over the past couple of years) is copper, I was very interested to read recently that drinking water that has been stored in copper containers is a tried and tested “home remedy” for vitiligo. Diese werden in ihrer Funktion so gestört, dass an der Haut depigmentierte Flecken auftreten. Lebensjahr. Turmeric: It’s very effective home remedy for vitiligo. Many sources can be sited to confirm that certain metal ions including zinc (Zn) and copper are found in high levels in pigmented tissues that are involved in melanin synthesis. Hence, further studies are needed to determine the pathological nature of copper status in those living with vitiligo. Keeping in mind that copper stimulates the melanocytes into action, increases melanin and re-pigments the skin, researchers across the globe have attempted to evaluate the role of copper status in the treatment of vitiligo. Long used for skin health, Aloe Vera supports healthy immune system response and contains essential minerals, including copper. Vitiligo, auch bekannt als Weißfleckenkrankheit, ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung, die sich durch eine Pigmentstörung äußert: Die Melanozyten (Pigmentzellen der Haut) der Erkrankten können an den betroffenen Stellen nicht mehr ausreichend Melanin produzieren. “The content of copper and zinc ions, accepting immediate participation, during melanogenesis, is dropped in depigmenting centers of skin. Die Vitiligo tritt in 30 Prozent der Fälle familiär gehäuft auf. Your email address will not be published. For some people, the patches become less visible while there are also people who reported that their patches disappeared with regular consumption of copper … https://thevitpro.com/vitiligo-blog/vitiligo-in-the-summertime#comments. A woman is the victim in this case and she is prescribed with ginkgo biloba. the serum copper9 and oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin were found to be increased10. You notice problems with memory and learning. Repigment your skin with simple Vitamins!!! The regular dose of ginkgo biloba herbal product and along with the effect of solid copper bracelet it is possible to cure vitiligo. Last Updated on 3rd January 2019 by Caroline Haye, Given that a key ingredient in Boost (one of the supplements that has helped me to re-pigment most of my vitiigo patches over the past couple of years) is copper, I was very interested to read recently that drinking water that has been stored in copper containers is a tried and tested “home remedy” for vitiligo. Vitiligo (Weißfleckenkrankheit) ist eine ungefährliche Hauterkrankung, die primär junge Menschen betrifft. However, some studies indicate people diagnosed with this condition are often deficient in certain vitamins like B12, folic acid, copper … Maybe you have different sorts of concerns […]. It is a 3-in-1 treatment that is designed for crepey, uneven texture, loss of muscle tone, and sagging. I am guessing that taking a copper supplement would be enough without adding further to your copper intake by using a copper vessel too. You might have a copper deficiency along with vitiligo if: Many research studies have revealed that individuals with vitiligo are often deficient in certain essentials like Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, folic acid, copper, and zinc. Elevated or biounavailable copper often goes along with a low tissue zinc level, even though blood tests may be normal. It works through the conversion of L-tyrosine (amino acid) into tyrosinase (enzyme). Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Sie ist ein erworbener Melaninmangel, der mit Autoimmunerkrankungen wie Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis oder Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 assoziiert sein kann. After being asked time and again for the details of exactly what I did and which nutrients I took, I added more detailed information to the site and carried on blogging. So far, conducted studies that establish a link between two have been limited by cross-sectional design and sample size. Mit der richtigen Behandlung kann man aber verhindern, dass sie weiter fortschreitet. Copper Copper can have a positive impact on Vitiligo patients because the enzyme tyrosinase which is used in the pigment process requires copper. Its active ingredient is a copper peptide that has biopeptide technologies working for growth factors and plant extracts. This problem is broadly lip-tip i.e. Es handelt sich um eine Pigmentstörung, die zu bleibenden weißen Flecken auf der Haut führt - für viele Betroffene eine seelische Belastung. Keeping in mind that zinc stimulates the melanocytes into action and increases melanin and repigmentation in the skin, scientists across the world have … You have pale skin and sensitivity to cold. Even a hair analysis is often normal.” Ada, 37 (1972) 207-211 210 GENOV et al. Apparently the copper ions that are absorbed in the water are found to stimulate melanin, thus increasing your chances of getting rid of vitiligo … Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This only illustrates zinc’s far-reaching effects in vitiligo’s better management. While the evidence is not good for copper reversing vitiligo, it also has not been well studied. You can read about the ingredients here: Autoimmune diseases including Addison’s disease, thyroid disease, pernicious anemia and diabetes are believed to be root vitiligo causes. Copper accumulation in the body is associated with higher estrogens in the body, along with low zinc levels – since zinc opposes copper. The purpose of this study is to compare the serum levels of Cu and Zn between vitiligo patients and healthy controls. A melanocyte makes melanin, which gives pigment in the skin. You need this enzyme to make melanin, but to make the enzyme work, you need copper. We use cookies to ensure you the best experience on this website. Typisch sind die scharf begrenzten, in Größe und Form sehr unterschiedlichen blassen bis weißen Hautflecken ohne Pigmentierung. Abnormalities of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) are involved in the etiology and pathogenesis of vitiligo. And, so far the exact cause and subsequent development of vitiligo are not fully understood. ), so it is good to consider. A healthy alternative to self-tan for vitiligo, http://www.vitiligostore.com/boost-tanning-supplement.html, https://thevitpro.com/vitiligo-blog/vitiligo-in-the-summertime#comments. My vitiligo occured after an extremely serious physical attack on me caused an auto-immune response four years ago. ‘Unite For Vitiligo’ will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Die Erkrankung tritt bei etwa 0,1 bis vier Prozent der Bevölkerung auf. Oft sind Finger, Hände, Handgelenke, Unterarme, Ellenbogen, Füße und Genitalien betroffen. Drink Water from Copper Vessel: Drinking water stored in copper vessel can help increasing melanin which can result in reducing whiteness of patches caused by vitiligo. Months later, the vitiligo occured. Copper deficiencies have been reported to induce hypopigmentation in various animals. I started writing this blog as a way of sharing my own personal story of what it is like to have lived with widespread vitiligo, only to recover most of my pigment again. Vitiligo Best Remedies and Treatment It is an auto-immune disorder in which the body’s immunity starts damaging the body. To find out more about me please take a look at my About page. This only illustrates copper’s far-reaching effects in vitiligo’s management. Drinking water out of copper vessels can also be beneficial. http://www.vitiligostore.com/boost-tanning-supplement.html But it is worth mentioning that supplementing with just one nutrient is unlikely to be as effective as taking a balanced ratio of all the nutrients known to be involved in the pigmentation process. Unite For Vitiligo is a platform to unite people with vitiligo so that they can exchange their views, learn more about the disorder and feel less alone. CHEAP!!! Eine Pfeffersubstanz kann Betroffenen wieder zu einem normalen Teint verhelfen. During studies, it is found that the copper content of the skin is concentrated mainly in the epidermis. 4 Benefits of Using Topical Solutions for Vitiligo Treatment, All you need to know about World Vitiligo Day 2020. At the same time din. Many sources can be listed to confirm that certain metal ions including copper are found in high levels in pigmented tissues involved in melanin synthesis. This video is however showing one best treatment that can get rid of all white discolored areas that occur as a result of vitiligo. Sie kann in jedem Alter vorkommen, beginnt aber meist zwischen dem zehnten und 20. Are People with Vitiligo at higher risk of contracting Coronavirus? Doch die Depigmentierungen können auch im Gesicht auftreten, z. In this, the melanocyte, which forms the skin color, starts to disappear or stops working, causing white spots on the body. A one-ounce jar can last the average person about three months with daily use. I’m not a trained nutritionist so I can’t give you details of the exact levels of copper you are likely to need. Sorry for the slight delay in getting back to you on this, Gina. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. I have also replied today to your other question on the following link: Would you suggest I drink from a copper vessel? Hence, always consult your doctor for the appropriate dosages. This is worth checking through a blood test, and supplementing with the mineral if the skin disorder can be slowed down with maintaining proper copper level. The affected areas lacking pigmentation are getting re-pigmented with these … EASY!!! 1.5k Views. We have applied adsorbents sated with copper … Cellular Grafting Surgeries for Vitiligo – All you need to know, A Year in Review | What 2020 meant for Vitiligo, Vitiligo Crusaders | Page 93 | A Dermatologist shaped by her experiences with vitiligo. If you continue to use this site, we will assume that you are happy with it. […], A typical vitiligo problem Solved The latest chapter in my henna story Despite my long history of widespread vitiligo, I consider myself […], 5 reasons to nurture your creativity Do you have vitiligo or perhaps another long-term condition? Einfache Anwendung im Vergleich zu anderen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten Grundsätzlich gibt es eine ganze Reihe von Möglichkeiten, die bei der Therapie und Behandlung von Pigmentschwäche in Folge von Vitiligo bzw. Beide Geschlechter sind gleich häufig betroffen. Foods High in Vitamin C: It’s very useful in the treatment of vitiligo. You can find copper cookware in most retail stores and keep the water in a copper pot or pan. Die Erkrankung ist charakterisiert durch einen Angriff von zytotoxischen, CD-8+ T-Lymphozyten auf die Melanozyten. Finally, I decided to create a shop site too where all the items I had found beneficial could be found in one place: Vitiligo Store. The copper con- tent of the skin of vitiligo patients was found to be decreased1 and deficiency of tv- rosinase and DOPA-oxidase activity in vitiligo areas was observed8. © 2021 The Vit Pro (A Vitiligo Blog) – All rights reserved, Powered by WP – Designed with the Customizr Theme, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). And taking too much copper could even leave you deficient in zinc, which is also very important. Your email address will not be published. However, controversial results exist now on Cu and Zn in serum of vitiligo patients. Hi thank you for your comment about your vitiligo experience with copper which was an ingredient in Boost. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My vitiligo is isolated on my hands & feet.